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24" green pearl and drop pendant on brass
18" pendant on gunmetal chain
18" howlite pendant on black chain
22" howlite pendant
20.5" green aventurine teardrop pendant
27" rhodonite pendant necklace
18" golden calcite talon pendant necklace
18" flower cameo pendant (2 options)
24" hemalyke seahorse, steer, or fish pendant
16" cross charms necklace (2 options)
18" gold/black or silver/black acrylic star pendant
17" serpentine cross pendant necklace
25.5" tree agate and serpentine necklace
8" rainbow mother of pearl chip bracelet
Red/Green or Clear/Blue on gold present earrings
Sparkly Christmas tree earrings
Reindeer earrings (2 options)
Swarovski crystal present earrings
Swarovski crystal present earrings on gold
Skinny Christmas tree earrings