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Crown earrings with red or purple accent bead
Stainless steel illusion earrings
Gold heart frame chandelier earrings
25"green onyx and lime bead necklace with serpentine teardrop
19" green agate necklace with chrysoprase drop
17" green agate necklace with drop
18.5" serpentine and peridot jasper necklace
21" serpentine necklace with arrowhead drop
28" kambaba jasper necklace with carved bear drop
14" yellow turquoise choker
20" peridot chip necklace with arrowhead drop
22" black/green/gold splatter bead rosary with Madonna/Sacred Heart center
20.5" hemalyke bead rosary with chalice center
25" rubber bead rosary with Madonna center and Pope Francis crucifix
19.5" black bead rosary with Madonna/Sacred Heart center
23" black obsidian bead rosary (2 options)
19.5" pink/green bead rosary with enamel Holy Spirit center
21.5" turquoise and silver necklace
21" dark rainbow hemalyke and gold necklace with cross drop
26" peridot jasper necklace