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26" silver and black bead rosary with Nativity center and Pope Francis crucifix
23.5" red riverstone rosary with St Benedict center
23" black speckled bead rosary with JPII/Holy Spirit center
19.5" white speckled bead rosary with enamel St Agatha center and Pope Francis crucifix
19" red speckled bead rosary with Pope JPII center
23.5" green speckled bead rosary with Nativity center and Pardon crucifix
23.5" orange speckled bead rosary with JPII/Holy Spirit center and nails crucifix
15" rainbow coated hematite choker
16.5" hematite rainbow necklace
28" Dump Cup necklace
17" Dump Cup necklace
20" Swarovski crystal Dump Cup necklace
19" statement necklace
17.5" rainbow coated hematite necklace
17" mother of pearl necklace
14" Dump Cup choker
19" Dump Cup necklace
14" Dump Cup choker
32" statement necklace
7.5" Create link bracelet on white cord with extender