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16.5" glass claw necklace
16” frosty crackle glass necklace
18.5" neon pink rubber coated bead rosary
16"blue bead rosary
16.5” blue green yellow necklace
17" blues necklace
14" glass and pearl bead choker
18.5" purple, white, and gray necklace
18" orange flower bead rosary
Awareness ribbon earrings on gold post hoops
Rainbow enamel flower earrings
Butterfly skull earrings
Black enamel butterfly drop earrings
Fancy silver butterfly drop earring
Fancy butterfly drop earrings
3.25" Victorian hand earrings
Pink or purple awareness ribbon earrings
23.5" blue glass bead rosary with enamel Pope Benedict center
25" red pearl bead rosary with nativity center and red enamel inlay crucifix
26" blue marble bead rosary with Sacred Heart center